Date: 16 December 2011

Category: 1 (Tropical Cyclone)

More than 1,300 people perished and many more went missing as a result of the flash floods and landslides caused by Tropical Storm Washi in December 2011. Almost 50,000 people were displaced in the aftermath of the tropical cyclone. Mercy Relief deployed its first relief team to Cagayan De Oro and Iligan in Northern Mindanao within 48 hours of the crisis.

Partner(s): Citizen Disaster Response Center (CDRC)

How we helped:

  • Provided 2,500kg of basic food and non-food items worth S$13,650, which was distributed to 1,000 families
  • Implemented a cooked food programme for 250 families. Including drinking water, the programme was valued at S$15,050
  • Provided shelters and basic household items worth S$10,838 for 200 families
  • Distributed educational materials and recreational items. Together with psycho-social activities conducted for 500 affected children, this was worth S$6,750.
  • Deployed two iWater portable water filtration systems worth S$7,500
  • Implemented a community disaster preparedness programme worth S$14,000
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